Pull out your electric water gun. Fill her with water. Make sure the battery is charged. Now you have up to 40 minutes of watching your kid soak their friends or siblings.
Water guns are not just for kids. Use your adult water gun to shoot your friends and family. Hit people from 10 metres away. Maybe they will get you back. Here begins the game.
Electricity and water doesn’t mix. Your 500mAh lithium-ion battery in your squirt gun gives you an edge. The battery is sealed from the water. No worries about water ruining your water gun.
Drench your opponent. See them driven before you with your electric water gun. Just pull the trigger to shoot out streams of water. Tap the trigger to conserve water.
Stick the barrel of your water gun into a bucket of water. Push the water filling trigger on your water gun. Let your gun do the filling. Soon you will be back to soaking people in the water fight to end all water fights.